Sarah: Oh, boy. You're so weird. Marley: Hey. There's amaternity departmentupstairs. Want to check that out? Renee: You know-\- I'm really tired. I'm gonna go home and lie down. Um, thank you so much for today. I'll call you later. I love you. Marle...
Like,gefiltefish tacos, perhaps. Julian: No, I can't stay. I'd love to, but it's not doctor protocol tohang aroundwith a patient. Marley: Well, I won't say anything if you don't. I'm really fun. Julian: How can I say no to that, right? Marley: Do y...
【摘要】趣味英语:那些有点二的英文都在这儿了。 “二”[two]在英文中有很多用法,经常见于时间表达和跟量词的固定搭配。当你学会了就发现,“二”用好了简直一发不可收拾。 今天,我们就来说说关于“二”的短语。 1。 Put two and two together (可不是把两个2加起来哦)...
7、Come a Little Bit Closer ——勇度+火箭浣熊+古鲁特的三煞之歌 那调调,和情节高度契合得不要不要啊! 这首歌应该是全片最老的劲歌金曲,诞生于1964年。来自1960年代的老牌流行组合Jay...
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